Research On Discrimination

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Race or Color discrimination is a really big problem in our world today. We all as humans discriminate against certain people that have color or their race. There is a fine line between race and color. When it comes to your race a lot of people will not want you to work for them because you are not like them, you are different because of where you came from or how you do things in your life. It can by a wide span of a whole bunch of things bundling together because of your race.

Like when it comes to getting health care for your family to getting pulled over by the police, they will give them a harder time than if they were white or non Hispanic. Even if they were born in the U.S. they still said that they were discriminated in some way or another. If they were not born in the U.S. were still more likely to have been discriminated against. The ones that are foreign born said that they have been discriminated against at their place of work more than the ones that were born in the U.S.

In the article “Immigrant Status Tied to Discrimination Among Hispanics” it talks about the percentages of Hispanics born in the U.S. and the ones that were not born in the U.S. “Foreign-born Hispanics (15%) are five times more likely than U.S.-born Hispanics (3%) to say they experienced discrimination because they are Hispanic while getting healthcare for themselves or for a family member.”  (McCarthy) “Immigrant Status Tied to Discrimination Among Hispanics”.With this being said that is crazy that people who are not born or were born in this country but are Hispanic get troubled for asking for health care to protect their family member.

With that on your mind does it not occur that some of the people you work with are going through that same thing and you would have no idea. There are also a lot or crimes and or hate crimes against Latinos are Mexican Americans. “FBI statistics show a dramatic increase in anti-Hispanic hate crimes. And sadly, hate groups are increasing due to anti-illegal immigration concerns.” (Gibson) “Discrimination Against Hispanics, Latinos, and Mexican American.” When we hear this, it is horrible to think about this is our own people getting treated like dirt because of where we come from we should stand against this.

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