Reflective Blog Post

Beginning of project

For this wellness project I did why home remedies are good for senior citizens and all of their aches and pains. The reason I did choose this topic was because I actually wanted to know more information on certain remedies because that kind of stuff interests me and I wanted to start to get into them and it is always good to do your research on these things. 

Image result for Home remedies


Process of project.

The Process of this wellness project was stressful but also fun because I got to learn a lot about the history of remedies and how they came to be.

I started by just digging up and researching the background and history of natural remedies and oils, then started to look into certain ones because I wanted to see what kinds can help senior citizens with certain pains. I actually learned a bunch of interesting things about different types of home remedies and essential oils.

Image result for natural oils

What I learned

I learned that there are different types of remedies that you can take for certain pains and health issues, instead of putting hard drugs and un natural medications into your system, that was a big bonus because my project is for senior citizens. Personally I think that seniors should use more natural remedies because they are already on a bunch of un natural medications so the natural medications should help them balance them out and not put more harmful meds into their bodies.

Some More Background

Natural remedies have been around for a very long time and are mostly plant based, so back then all they really had to take care of their families or bodies was the plants that they could make oils and remedies out of. In my opinion I think that it is important to get this information out especially to our senior citizens because natural remedies actually work and help for certain things.

Why This information Should be out There
Its sad to see old people suffer from pains and then have to shove 10 pills down their throat so they can feel better but most of the time it makes them feel worse. This is an alternative method and also a better method. They can still take the pills because, yes they do work these methods are just for them to feel better and not have to take as much medications.


Wellness Blog 1

Spiritual wellness will be applied in my life now and hopefully when I am older. You need this when you are older because it helps you find meaningfulness in your life, even if you have a family to know what each member’s purpose is and to fulfill it.  A lot of factors play into spiritual wellness like faith, beliefs and values.

To grow in spiritual wellness i will be growing and extending my relationships with people and also nature. I will need spiritual wellness in my future to find inner peace and to be calm this is important to me because I want to have a peaceful life when I am older and I can get there by allowing myself to be calm to get through anything that is in my way.

The spiritual part of us humans is the more neglected aspect of ourselves. So I hope too not neglect that part of myself  because it is important too me and I would Like to have a calm place for my family and we should all be able to find that place where you can go too calm your self and come together as a family. 

Too have a healthy spirit you have to practice and nurture it. I will apply this when I start my family because it is a helpful skill for all of us to come together as one. The more I start too work on my spirit the better I will be with a sense of peace when I am older. When you have a strong spirit you will be a lot more stronger when you have to face difficulty.

Some of the things that help the spirit stay strong and relaxed are Labyrinths, Mandala, Yoga, and Meditations. Spiritual wellness is basically non avoidable because you’ll always have it but wont know how much of an impact it really is.

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