Wellness Blog 1

Spiritual wellness will be applied in my life now and hopefully when I am older. You need this when you are older because it helps you find meaningfulness in your life, even if you have a family to know what each member’s purpose is and to fulfill it.  A lot of factors play into spiritual wellness like faith, beliefs and values.

To grow in spiritual wellness i will be growing and extending my relationships with people and also nature. I will need spiritual wellness in my future to find inner peace and to be calm this is important to me because I want to have a peaceful life when I am older and I can get there by allowing myself to be calm to get through anything that is in my way.

The spiritual part of us humans is the more neglected aspect of ourselves. So I hope too not neglect that part of myself  because it is important too me and I would Like to have a calm place for my family and we should all be able to find that place where you can go too calm your self and come together as a family. 

Too have a healthy spirit you have to practice and nurture it. I will apply this when I start my family because it is a helpful skill for all of us to come together as one. The more I start too work on my spirit the better I will be with a sense of peace when I am older. When you have a strong spirit you will be a lot more stronger when you have to face difficulty.

Some of the things that help the spirit stay strong and relaxed are Labyrinths, Mandala, Yoga, and Meditations. Spiritual wellness is basically non avoidable because you’ll always have it but wont know how much of an impact it really is.

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